Good evening :) Not a whole lot to report today, but I get angry texts from people when I don't post anything, so HERE!! (hehehe just kiddin :) )
I didn't see Ruth was disappointing :(
Today at work I did research all day again. This morning I touched base with Max to see what he needed me to do with the Alberta oil sands story he is doing. He asked me to turn my attention to the oil rigs in North Dakota. He plans on visiting the Williston oil rig in North Dakota and then heading to Alberta. Luckily, the Williston oil rigs have been in the news A LOT recently because there has been a huge boom in business and jobs, however what I was doing research on I could not find much information. I was supposed to find environmental groups in North Dakota who are opposed to the Williston rig, but all I could find were environmental groups on the east coast against oil rigs. Soooo I'm still working on that.
The NHL story fell through because there are no teams left in the playoffs with players from Germany :(
One of the other correspondents is doing a story on the increased popularity of model airplanes with video cameras attached to them, also known as FPV planes (First Person View). The correspondent already went to New York and interviewed a man from Germany who does this as a hobby. The footage is awesome because there are great views of the New York skyline! He asked me and the other intern to get research to write an article to go with the video. Lisa and I started doing research and we are each going to write up an article and then on Wednesday we are going to combine them into one article and she will translate it into German. That way we both get our names on the article, which will look awesome in my portfolio!!
I get told a lot "maybe it will be easier for you, because you are an American," when I am asked to do something. I guess that's a good thing?
The stupid German keyboard got to me today. I had 4 days off and then's like it's in a different language again!! It's seriously confusing. All the symbols are in different places. Rude.
Oh and when I was doing research I came across an article that was titled "When did you first realize you were Canadian?" I giggled, to myself. Hence the title of this post! :)
Tomorrow we have the day off because it's a German holiday. They gave me some ideas as to what I should do. It was suggested that I visit Capitol Hill....tour the Capitol Building and the Library of Congress and what not. Well, to tour the Capitol you have to go through your representative....sooooo I filled out the "I want to tour the Capitol" form on Manzullo's website and later this afternoon I got my confirmation (thanks Manzullo!! Or Manzullo's people!!!), but my tour is on Saturday May 12. So I figure I'll just cover that and the library all that day, makes sense, right?? They also suggested Roosevelt Island. I was told there is a museum there and what not so I checked it out. Yeah....that's in New York City..... Which, is somewhat's like a 4 hour train ride I was told......but....I'm still trying to conquer the train in one city....I'm not sure if I'm ready to take on multiple cities!! Soooo I think I'm going to go with my original plan of going to the zoo tomorrow!! It's supposed to be hot and there's only a 30% chance of rain!! Hopefully I have a good day :)
Well this post is longer than I intended so I think I'll cut it off here!! More tomorrow :)
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