Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 9: Fun at the zoo! :D

Today I had the day off because it is a German holiday, so I decided to go to the National Zoo!  It was really hot today, it was 85 degrees most of the day, and very sunny!  So it was the perfect day to go to the zoo!  And it wasn't very crowded because it was a Tuesday! 

I had to take 2 different trains to get there, but I pretty much have the metro system figured out, so it wasn't that bad.  When I got off the second train I had to take an escalator up to the street.....it was the LONGEST escalator I've ever been on!!  It took 2 and a half minutes to ride from the bottom to the top!  And I'm not exaggerating....cause I timed it....don't judge me.

I saw a lot of neat animals and I took a ton of pictures!  The only downfall was when I was looking at a cute lil owl....and then he bit the head off of a mouse... :(

Here are some zoo observations:

1.  I have seen leash kids everywhere in Washington.....but not ONE at the zoo....
2.  I don't care how old you are, you are NEVER too old for the zoo.
3.  When there is a sign that says "CAUTION: AGGRESSIVE CRANES" do not ask a zoo keeper how to aggravate the cranes...
4.  Elephant shrews, meerkats, and otters are the coolest animals ever.  Period.
5.  I want an otter for Christmas, or my Birthday...
6.  The young children who stand by the lion exhibit screaming and growling at the lions should be thrown in with the lions...rude.
7.  "PLEASE DO NOT TAP ON THE GLASS" means do not tap on the glass....I don't understand why that is such a hard concept for people to grasp.
8.  There is a security check everywhere I've been in D.C....but not at the zoo....I feel like the safety of the animals is just as important as the safety of the Declaration of Independence.
9.  Watching 2 parents try to control 2 young children with ice cream is freaking hilarious!
10.  What kind of zoo doesn't have bears, polar bears, giraffes or sea lions?!
11.  The animals/creatures in smaller exhibits, like inside and stuff (you know what I mean...snakes, frogs, small creatures)....are SCARY!  Wanna know why?  Cause you stand there looking for them and then BOOM...they just appear....scary.
12.  Why aren't pets allowed in the zoo?  Hypocritical if you ask me.
13.  I think zoos should leave some exhibits empty but don't put up a sign saying it's empty...just see how long people will stand there looking! HA!
14.  Walking into an exhibit that says "Animals roam free.  Do not encourage the animals to come to you.  Stay on the sidewalk."  IS SCARY!!
15.  The zoo is definitely not as much fun when you are by yourself... :(

Even though I was by myself it was still a lot of fun!  Here are some pictures...to see more check out my facebook!! (P.S. I've taken 1,106 pictures since being in D.C.  Out of control?  I'm ok with that.)

They were in love <3



Cute owl....before....well....you know what happens :(

Elephant shrew!!

Monkeyyyyyy :)

So awesome.


Baby :)

Absolutely darling!

Why so serious?

Om nom nom nom :)



He was fun!

So that was my day at the zoo!!  Back to work tomorrow!!!  Have a good night and of course, more tomorrow :)


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