On Saturday morning I met Penni and John at the Holocaust Museum around 10am. We reserved tickets ahead of time, so it was really nice because we didn't have to wait in the long line! The museum was really....neat. I mean, it was very dark and sad and depressing, but it was very well done. It was very informative and they did a really good job of presenting the information. There weren't a lot of artifacts, so it was mostly a lot of reading and watching videos. Penni has read a book about the architecture of the building so she would share random facts that were very interesting! For example, they keep it dark and kinda crammed and uncomfortable on purpose. The most "touching" part for me was seeing the piles of shoes. There were thousands and thousands of pairs of shoes from the Holocaust and it was just really sad to see them all and all the different sizes. It was also very interesting to hear the different stories of some of the survivors....very sad to hear about what their families went through.
Oh, and it was freezing in the museum. And by freezing I mean it was about 32 degrees, give or take. And of course I was dressed for the outside where it was very warm!!! Brrrrrr! It took like 3 hours for me to thaw out.
When we were about done with the Holocaust Museum we looked at the time and it was already after 2pm! We decided to go to the Reagan Center to grab something for lunch. When we got there I got right through security but they stopped Penni and John and asked for their I.D's....cause it is a government building. Apparently I look like a minor?! Good thing I graduate next year....graduate college....!
After lunch we decided to split up for the day. Penni was ready for a nap so they were going to head back to their hotel. I walked around for a little bit and sat outside in the sun (you know...to warm up). Then I decided to go to Chinatown since I had only been there briefly once. When I got there I was standing on a corner and a guy was on a bike...with his legs up on the handle bars and his arms crossed, so he really had no control of the bike. He crossed the street, got onto the sidewalk, and ran right into a lady and fell off his bike!!! He got up and grabbed his bike and he didn't even apologize! Then the lady's husband started yelling at him and he just walked away! It was so rude! He had to of been high....I'm just saying...
Chinatown was pretty good....went into some stores and just hung out. After that I headed back to the apartment. Last night was pretty chill...I watched 2 kinda bad movies, but ehhh, oh well!
This morning (Sunday) I met Penni and John at their hotel at 8:30am!! (The 8:30 when the SUN is out!!!!!) It was a little early for me..... We got a taxi and headed to the Newseum!!! (FINALLY!!!!!) It was so much fun!!! There were a lot of things that I really enjoyed! I really liked an exhibit that is only there until August, the sports photography exhibit. It was very neat to look at the pictures. The pictures were all done by Neil Leifer. His photographs appear on the cover of more than 200 Sports Illustrated and Time Magazine editions!!! How crazy is that?! He is VERY talented! The exhibit even included Leifer's most famous picture: Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston after knocking him out in their 1965 title fight. I also really liked the Pulitzer Prize Exhibit! It included many of the pictures that have won a Pulitzer Prize. What I learned is basically you have to capture a tragic moment....only a handful of the pictures weren't depressing. Still, it was very cool to see all the pictures. Another exhibit I really enjoyed was the First Dogs exhibit, which included pictures of the first dogs throughout history!! It was cute :) I decided if I were ever President I would have a First Turtle!!! There were also a lot of things that had to do with 9/11, which was very interesting. We decided not to do the interactive "Be a TV Reporter" exhibit...since...well....that's kinda what I do :p Overall, it was a lot of fun! AND we got our picture taken and the ladies said we were a very cute family! hahahahhah Here are some pictures from the Newseum!
Part of the Berlin Wall |
Artifacts from 9/11 |
Dang!! I never saw that headline!! But I think they pretty much nailed it on the head! |
Transmitter from one of the Twin Towers |
Puppy! |
Pulitzer Prize winner which inspired the Iwo Jima Memorial |
Two older guys ('61 and '72 graduates) came up and talked to me after that.....after they found out I cover sports!! One of the guys was the last 4 sport letterman at Wartburg! He played football and basketball all 4 years (and is in the record books apparently) and he played baseball his freshman year and track his sophomore year. It was very interesting to talk to him and watch him reminisce about his time at Wartburg. Since then he has had 2 knee replacement surgeries and he has had his hip replaced twice.... I guess 4 sports really wears your body out!
People started heading out around 5:30pm and we had to stay until everyone was gone. They had put "Be Orange" Wartburg magnets out for the alums to take and no one took them...so I did....all of them....all 35 of them :) I figured, I pay enough for Wartburg, I'm taking the magnets!!! Yep :)
After that Penni, John and I went out to dinner. We went to this steak house close to their hotel and it was very good! Penni and I talked for a long time about this summer and next year and how everything is going to go. I'm looking forward to everything she has in store for the department!
Well, tomorrow is the last day at my internship and only 2.5 days left in D.C.!!! It went by kinda fast now that I look back at it and see "Day 27/28"...it seems like just yesterday I was typing "Day 4"!!! It has been a great experience and overall I have learned a lot....but more about that in the sappy "last day" blog, later this week!!
For now, I'm exhausted and ready to get home to relax a little bit! More tomorrow :)
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