First of all, before I forget....yesterday when Lisa and I were walking to the metro station we were stopped at a corner waiting for the orange hand to turn into a white person. A guy with no shirt on walked up to us and started asking for money. We ignored him and kept talking to each other. Then he got within 2 inches of me and said "do I make you uncomfortable because I have my shirt off??" Again, I ignored him. He wouldn't leave and he kept asking for a dollar. Then he said "come on! Look at your head! It's not as expensive as a piercing!!" LUCKILY the light changed so we were able to cross the street, but I was like RUDE! I was gonna beat him up...but there were too many witnesses...
There were just so many interesting people I came across today. The first one was at the bus stop this morning....she was clipping her nails. I mean, I guess if you're waiting anyway, why not?! But still...odd. Then I was on the bus and we stopped at a stop...I looked out the window and thought " no no...please no..." Yep....a dozen preschoolers were about to get on the bus. Really?! Rush hour?! On a city bus?! Rent a school bus or a short bus or a van or something!! The buses are always super busy at 9:30am...but no. They should have all been on leashes. "What's that button?!" "What does this do?!" "Who is that?!" I mean, I love the curiosity....cause I think those questions in my head every day too....but it was just a lot to take in. Luckily and I survived...and I can only assume they did too.
Today at work started off slow, then got really busy, really fast. I first started making a few "desperate" phone calls, trying to find someone to talk to Max for his story. I called one lady and her automatic message said that she was gone all I called her assistant. Her assistant told me that the original lady who I called is the person I should really be talking to. I said that I understood that, but she will not be in the office all week. I was told that she could not help me at all and I would have to wait until Monday. What kind of assistant is that?! I finally heard from Max in the afternoon and he said that he found people to talk to, so luckily my search was over! But I'm sure something will come up tomorrow!
After all that I was told that we will probably not do the Holocaust story, which I'm really disappointed about. I thought it would've been a really good, interesting story, but it sounds like we can't sell the idea to the people in Berlin. So boo. Maybe things will change though!
After lunch I was asked by a correspondent to find a student in the D.C. area who has a lot of debt and cannot find a job...... Sounds simple right? Negative ghostrider. 1. Most schools are out already or it is currently finals week. 2. Who wants to get on camera and admit they are in debt?! 3. I can't contact the schools directly because that is private information that they cannot release. Neat. Soooo I started by contacting the media people for George Washington University, Georgetown University, Howard University and American University. I asked if they could send out a memo asking students if they would be interested. I heard back from George Washington and Georgetown right away saying that they are either out already or it is finals week. So I wasn't sure what to do. Then some people at work gave me the idea to look up blogs online where students are complaining about debt, comment saying I'm looking for students in debt in the D.C. area to do an on camera interview and see what happens. So that's what I did. I posted a message on several Facebook pages and I found recent articles about student debt and I commented on those. HOPEFULLY tomorrow when I get to work I have something to work with! If not, I guess it's plan C. What's plan C? I don't know yet...
Oh good news!! No, GREAT news!! You know how I've been working with Google in German for what, over 2 weeks now? Well, today I found a link on the Google homepage that says "Google in English." Guess what?! It changed it to English!!! Don't judge. If only I could find a button on the keyboard that says "Keyboard in English"..... I'll look tomorrow and keep you updated.
So most of my afternoon was spent trying to find students in debt or blogs or articles. On my way home today, there was this guy.....and at first I classified him as a spy....but then I changed my mind. Picture this. He was an older man....probably in his mid 60s, African American, shorter, sweet hat on. He had on a green shirt that said "Just Say No." NO TO WHAT?! I really wanted to know. But at the same time I didn't want to ask. He had a tattoo on his forearm that said "Lover Boy." (That's when I decided he wasn't a spy). When I saw the tattoo, this is the only thing that came to my mind... Don't judge. And yes, I'm A.D.D. I told you I found interesting people today!
Also, there is a restaurant I pass every day to and from work....Thai Tanic. How flipping sweet is that for a the name of a thai restaurant?! Or at least I assume it's a thai restaurant....
Oh, and rumor is, the communication arts center at Wartburg is A LOT quieter without me there. I take that as "blah blah blah...our lives are boring now." :)
Wow, this has been way too long for a Wednesday!! More tomorrow :)
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