Sunday, April 22, 2012

10 things NOT to do in an airport

Here is my first blog....EVER!  I'm splitting today into 2 blog posts...this one and my next one will be once I arrived in Washington D.C.  Soooo there are a few things I learned today, the top 10 things not to do in an airport.  Brace yourselves.

10.  Do not let your mom say "razor blade" before you are about to go through security.
9.  When you get on the plane and the plane starts moving do not yell "WEEEEEEE!  WE WE WEEEEEEE"  The other passengers don't think it's funny.
8.  When you are about to go through security do not ask if they can see EVERYTHING in your backpack...
7.  When you get through security do not yell "SUCKERS!" and run away laughing.
6.  When checking your luggage in, do not ask "Wait, do these bags go through security too? Hold on...give it back..."
5.  When you go to claim your baggage do not ask to ride on the baggage claim.
4.  When you are on the plane do not ask the guy next to your what time it is...every five minutes...while looking very nervous.
3.  If there is turbulence, do not look at your watch and say, "Ahhh, right on time."
2.  Do not walk up to random people in the airport and whisper "do not get on the plane."
1.  And finally, when you are walking on the plane, do not start singing "Blow" by Ke$ha....."this place about to blowwwwwww."

Yeahhhh....all that stuff is frowned upon apparently! Who knew?!

Well those were my fun filled adventures from the airports! More later!!


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